TWILIGHT ZONE Part 1 TWILIGHT ZONE is at once both a very enjoyable and very frustrating game: enjoyable because the puzzles are well thought out, and some of them are quite clever; frustrating because you are given no clue as to what you are expected to do or what the ultimate object of the game is. Another source of frustration is that the parser is very weak in places, and there are several times when only one specific phrase will be recognized. This can cause you endless hours of wasted time. There are dozens of red herrings and useless objects in this game. For the purposes of this walkthru, I will ignore any objects which aren't needed. You have enough room to carry just what you need, so don't pick up anything extra. Even with this walkthru in hand, you'd better save your game when it is mentioned. There is at least one random death waiting for you and several move-specific puzzles. I played this game on an Amiga, but I assume other versions are the same. With all that said, let's begin our journey. You'll begin the game by waking up in your bedroom, which is quite messy. Don't worry about all the objects. First, GET UP, then GET WALLET AND MONEY. Now, GET CLOTHES and WEAR CLOTHES. You live in a very seedy neighborhood; if you leave the house with money in your hand, you'll be sorry! PUT MONEY IN WALLET and PUT WALLET IN POCKET. Go east into the hallway. LOOK AT PICTURES. You'll have to do this several times until you start seeing a repetition. The only important picture is the one that shows a grave on a hill. That is a clue for later on. Go down. This is where you should save. Go east to the outside of your house, where you may get killed, even with your money hidden! If you die, restore, and fool around for a couple of moves before going outside again. The city appears to be huge, but it's not really. If you enjoy mapping, go ahead and wander around doing so. Otherwise, go north three times to the train station, and north again into the station. Now, go northeast to the counter. GET IN LINE and BUY A TICKET. (No other syntax will work here; I spent quite some time trying to GET TICKET and was just shoved back to the end of the line!). Go west twice and you'll be on the train. You'll see several objects here. GET ALL. You'll have a Pendant, a Newspaper, and a Card. You don't have any spare moves here. EXAMINE PENDANT, EXAMINE CARD. Aha! PUT CARD IN PENDANT. Now, READ PAPER. If the old lady has not left the train, WAIT one or two moves until she does, then GET OFF TRAIN. The Grim Reaper will begin chasing you. You have no choice but to go east and south, where you'll encounter a little boy and his mother right in the path of the Reaper! WAVE PENDANT AT REAPER, and SAVE BOY. You'll lose the pendant, but, miraculously, the card you'll need later is still in your possession. You'll also see a locket on the floor. GET LOCKET, and EXAMINE LOCKET for a clue as to what to do later. Go south twice, and east. GET THE BRICK you see there. DROP NEWSPAPER, and continue east, south, and east. Here's where you spent all your money when you were a little boy, but it's locked up for the night. Well, with Old Man Death possibly still following you, now is no time to be law-abiding! Remember the brick you just found? You got it! THROW BRICK AT WINDOW, and go in the store. Not quite what you expected, right? Oh well, your friend is beyond help, so LOOK AT BULLET, then LOOK AT PICTURE. Remember it for later; you suddenly remember the picture in your house of a lonely grave on a hill. GET BODY, and go south twice to the top of the hill. DROP BODY, and go north to the Village, and west into the hut. GET CHAIR AND SHOVEL, and go east and southwest into the other hut. I found no way to take both pieces of rope except TAKE ALL. Northeast and south will take you back to you friend's body. Now, DIG GRAVE WITH SHOVEL, GET BODY, and BURY BODY. You want to give him a Christian burial, right? Okay, BREAK CHAIR, GET WOOD, and MAKE A CROSS WITH WOOD. PUT CROSS ON GRAVE, and you'll be suddenly transported to your next mission! (That's how you know you've done a scenario correctly: When you've finished and done everything right, you're transported somewhere else.) Twilight Zone Part 2 Well, this is a fine kettle of fish! How did we get from the jungles of Vietnam to a peaceful (?) country house? Oh, well, one never knows in the TWILIGHT ZONE! You'll see a hammer lying at your feet. GET HAMMER then, go east, and north. You'll hear a faint voice coming from the barn. That barn looks like a dangerous place to be, so save the game here. Now, go north into the barn, and up into the hayloft. There's a little girl here! You don't have a move to spare, so OPEN DOOR, TIE ROPE TO GIRL, and LOWER GIRL THROUGH DOOR. Time to get out of here. Go down, and you'll be told the ladder has been destroyed. Be persistent! Go down again. (You may have to try it a third time.) You'll fall through the floor. Now HIT WALL, and one wall will crash out. You have no idea which direction that is, so simply type OUT, and you'll be safely outside the barn with the little girl. GET GIRL, and she'll drop a photo. GET PHOTO, and since her mother seems to be very agitated about the state of her little darling's health, go south. The grateful mother will give you a set of truck keys. Don't worry about the girl; you still have her, but that won't last long. You don't have to TAKE the keys; they'll be given to you. Now, GET IN TRUCK. You see a slot for keys. (only the plural will work here for some reason). PUT KEYS IN SLOT, and save again. START TRUCK, and instead of the rickety old truck sound you expected, you'll find yourself zooming around a racetrack! There are driving gloves on the seat next to you, and, being a professional, you want all the help you can get! WEAR GLOVES. Now, let's get down to the business of winning this race! STEP ON GAS, and you'll be told you're approaching a curve. Of course, nobody will tell you WHICH WAY to go. But since race courses north of the equator all use a counter-clockwise pattern, your best bet is to TURN LEFT. STEP ON GAS again, and TURN LEFT again. STEP ON GAS one more time, and you'll win the race! You'd better STEP ON BRAKES and TURN RIGHT to avoid the dummies standing on the track. Once you're safely stopped, GET OUT OF CAR, and there's no place to go except up to receive your just reward. TAKE TROPHY. Oops! Oh, well, it just would have cluttered up your already messy house anyway! You've been ordered to stand by a guy who has a sword. It would probably be a good idea to follow his instructions, so STAND. The king will offer you a gem. TAKE GEM then, LOOK AT GEM. Now, ASK KING ABOUT GEM. He won't give you much information, but it seems that it's necessary to do this to complete your mission. Go north twice. EXAMINE DOOR, and you'll see a slot in it. EXAMINE SLOT, and you'll be told there is a dragon carved above it. Now, that looks familiar, doesn't it? Where have you seen that dragon before? Aha! On your bullet. PUT BULLET IN SLOT, and the door will open. Follow the northeast passage, and you'll be faced with another door. You have to read the descriptions carefully here because you're going to deal with a bunch of doors, and you have to describe each one correctly. The one at the end of this passage is an Iron door with some writing on it. READ IRON DOOR, and you'll be given a riddle. (This will happen with each of the doors you come to. You only need to type the one-word answer to open the door.) Type WAR, and follow the passage north. Now, READ WOODEN DOOR, and type SICKNESS. Go northwest, and READ STONE DOOR. Type TIME, and go north into the pedestal room. READ PEDESTAL, and answer DEATH. GET SWORD, then EXAMINE SWORD, and you'll see a hole. PUT GEM IN SWORD, and you're ready to start back. Go south. Oh, no! Here we go again! READ WOODEN DOOR, and answer TIME. Go southeast, READ IRON DOOR, and say HEALTH. Follow the passage south, READ BRONZE DOOR, and say PEACE. Go southwest, south, and GIVE SWORD TO KING. He will offer you a gem as your reward. TAKE GEM, and you'll be unceremoniously escorted to the edge of town where you'll find an Exit sign. Do what the sign says: EXIT. TWILIGHT ZONE Part 3 Well, here you are, right back where you started, outside Duvall's Toy Store. Might as well explore some more of the city. Your only exit from here is west. Go west twice, south three times, and you'll find yourself outside an abandoned warehouse. Might as well see what's inside, so go south again into the warehouse. Wow! You didn't expect this! Better SWIM north to the island. There's nothing here you need, so just go north into the Jungle, and north again to the mansion. RING DOORBELL. When the door opens, go north into the house, and you'll be met by a butler who'll point you in the proper direction, which is east. In the Living Room you'll be met by the master of the house. You must remember your manners here, or you'll be in a lot of trouble! When he welcomes you, say THANKS. He'll have the butler bring some food. Say THANKS again, and he'll tell you all about the hunt he has planned. Sounds like it'll be fun, except if you listen carefully, you'll find out you ain't gonna have no gun: You is the "huntee"! He'll tell you to follow him, so go north into the den. Ignore all the stuff you see there, except you should READ DIARY. Now, go east into the bedroom, and GET CLOTHES. Go west and south where the hunter will offer you a rope and a knife. GET ROPE AND KNIFE. You'll be blindfolded, and led out into the night. When your blindfold is removed, there's only one direction you can go. But maybe you should save the game first. Go south. Probably a good idea that you saved: You picked a great place to go! This tiger looks really hungry! Luckily for you, you're a good athlete. CLIMB TREE. Well, you're safe for the moment, but that tiger doesn't look like he's the kind to give up a meal easily. This is a pretty sturdy branch, and you've seen a lot of Tarzan movies, so let's get ourselves out of this predicament fast! First, TIE ROPE TO BRANCH, and GET ROPE. If you don't, you'll be in a lot of trouble later. Now, SWING south, and go down before that branch breaks. Go south again. If you don't want the hunter's helicopter to spot you, you'd better HIDE. Follow the path southwest back to the beach, and then, go north. (Does it seem like we're going in circles here?) Yuck! A nasty rat is barring your bath. No worries, mate! KILL RAT WITH KNIFE, and go north again to the front of the mansion. (By the way, you'll automatically bring the dead rodent with you, and it's a good thing, too!) When the guard dog appears (where was he the last time you were here?), FEED RAT TO DOG. Go north once more into the house. Since everybody is out searching for you, you don't have to worry. Go east and north into the den. GET TRAP AND KEY, and retrace your steps back to the jungle. Now, SET TRAP and COVER TRAP WITH LEAVES. There's nothing to do but WAIT for something to happen. Pretty soon, the hunter will come along, and step in the trap. He's not going to be helpless for long, though. TIE HUNTER WITH ROPE. (See, I _told_ you you'd need it!) At this point, the business card you've been carrying all along will begin to do strange things. Maybe it's time to give the old Grim Reaper his due (which you cheated him out of at the Train Station, remember?). DROP CARD, then go north, northwest, and west. Ahh! Finally, a boat in good shape! GET IN BOAT, and START BOAT. This is getting ridiculous! Here you are back in front of the Warehouse without even enjoying the boat ride. Go north twice, and east through the Museum gates. Go south to the fence, and UNLOCK GATE. Go south again. (You might have to go south one more time; apparantely, there's a bug here.) You should be standing on the porch of the museum with your path to the south blocked by lasers. LOOK AT DOOR, and you'll see it's protected by the lasers. Not to worry. REFLECT LASERS WITH GEM, and the door will open. Go south into the museum. Once inside, you'll be faced with a roomful of mirrors. LOOK AT LIGHTS, and you'll discover that the pattern is controlled by a row of buttons. Unfortunately, nowhere in the game did I find any clue as to the correct sequence for pushing the buttons. When you push a button correctly in sequence, you'll hear a click. Unfortunately, if you push the wrong button, you have to start over again. The only way I found it was by trial and error. Fortunately, you have me whispering in your ear, so just follow this sequence. PRESS BUTTON 2, PRESS BUTTON 4, PRESS BUTTON 3, PRESS BUTTON 1, and PRESS BUTTON 3. After a few seconds you'll hear machinery working, and you'll be able to go south. You have to make a decision here, and there's no clue, so just go southwest. You'll come to a door marked "Employees Only." Since when did you pay attention to signs? Go west through the door, and you'll find yourself facing another door. EXAMINE DOOR, and you'll find it has a small imprint on it shaped like a heart. EXAMINE LOCKET, and if you haven't figured it out by now, PUT PHOTO IN LOCKET. Now, PUT LOCKET IN IMPRINT. Go west through this door; you'll be told that you've successfully passed the test, and you're free to go. South will take you to freedom...or will it? I leave you to decide what you think of the ending! TWILIGHT ZONE is published by First Row Software and distributed by CBS, Inc. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1989 by Merlin.